"Day and night" blinds are made of a double layer material and are easily adapted to each window. They allow you to maximally adjust the lighting of the room according to your needs.
The material can be wrapped or unwound by pulling the chain. You can also adjust the lighting of the room without completely covering the window. Pulling the chain changes the overlap of the material bands. This way, only as much light as you need enters the room. This is a particularly stylish and comfortable solution.
* When ordering larger than recommended dimensions, there are special conditions.
You can get detailed information about the selection, prices, production and installation of roller shutters by calling +370 600 29 535 or by visiting our store located at Klaipėdos st. 79A in Panevėžys.
Wholesale and business customers are provided with all the necessary information by phone +370 643 56 689 or e-mail vadyba@destinus.lt.